A world in turmoil: U. N. September 2023

First thoughts are with the United Nations General Assembly meeting this week. Joe Biden’s speech in support of the Ukrainian effort to secure its territorial integrity and independence was admirable, in that it reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to support the Ukraine cause of self-defense. The most disturbing aspect of the General meeting is the lack of an outcry in condemnation of the Russian (Soviet style) aggression in Ukraine. A pure and simple land grab, with out any attempt to hide Putin’s aim’s in restructuring the old Soviet Union, the same tactic was used against the nation of Georgia.

 The world ignores the facts of this aggression, in the hopes it will finally go away, be resolved, and disappear. But it won’t, Ukrainians are of the same stock of those island dwelling Britain’s in 1940, Zelensky has the same fighting sprite as did Churchill “we will never surrender”. The hard thing for the Western nations to finally come to grips with is a patriotic national leader will to stay and fight. Putin miscalculated this, watching leaders of all the western backed countries in the last century, when confronted with an aggressive force, took the money and ran.

I applaud Zelensky’s answer to the western world “I don’t need a ride, I need ammo” these word will go down in history beside the same defiant stance as “don’t give up the ship”. Finally the free world has found a leader with the courage to defend his country. He makes the rounds looking for support he desperately needs, the west is only furnishing money and goods will the Ukrainians are paying the price of freedom in BLOOD. They have become the “home of the brave and land of a freedom seeking peoples”.

Zelensky did say one sticking point in his speech to the U. N., TODAY IT IS UKRAINE, TOMORROW IT WILL BE YOU.

Thinks about it, and never forget the horrors of a world conflagration like the two humanity suffered in the last century, estimated 150 million dead combined, and never convince your self it can never happen again. There are those keeping an eye on the freedom loving nations, looking for the first signs of a weakening resolve in its people .

A side note Taiwan is the Republic of China, the Communist Chinese (Mao) are the rebels who forced the legitimate government off the main land, Taiwan is Democratic, and the rebels Communist.

Thank you for taking the time to read this….19th day of September in the year 2023

Propaganda as a tool in Media and Education: Nuremberg 1945



14 NOVEMBER 1945 – 1 OCTOBER 1946


This volume is published in accordance with the direction of the International Military Tribunal by the Secretariat of the Tribunal, under the jurisdiction of the Allied Control Authority for Germany.




14 November 1945 – 30 November 1945

FOURTH DAY: Friday, 23 November 1945

MAJOR WALLIS: This document book and the accompanying brief is entitled “Propaganda Censorship and Supervision of Cultural Activities.”

During this period one of the strongest weapons of the conspirators was propaganda. From the outset they appreciated the urgency of the task of inculcating the German masses with the National Socialist principles and ideology. The early utterances of Hitler and his fellow conspirators evidenced full recognition of the fact that their power could endure only if it rested on general acceptance of their political and social views.

Immediately following their accession to power, the Nazi conspirators instituted a determined program for wholesale organization of the masses by seizing control of all vehicles of public expression. The wide-spread use of propaganda by the powerful machine thus created became a key device in establishing control over all phases of the German economy, public and private. They conceived that the proper function of propaganda was to prepare the ground psychologically for political action and military aggression and to guarantee popular support of a system which was based on a permanent and steadily intensified application of terror and aggression both in the sphere of domestic politics and foreign relations.

To attain these objectives, propaganda was used to create specific thought patterns designed to make the people amenable to the aims and program of the Nazis and to foster their active participation therein to the greatest’ extent possible. The nature of this propaganda is within the judicial purview of the Court. As Goebbels put it, it was aimed at “the conquest of the masses.” Its intended effect was the elimination of all serious resistance in the masses.

To achieve this result, as will be shown later in the evidence, the Nazi conspirators were utterly unscrupulous in their choice of means, a total disregard of veracity that presented their case purely from the standpoint of political expediency and their conception of national self-interest. Inasmuch as propaganda was the means to an end, “the conquest of the masses,” it required different strategy at different times, depending on the objectives issued and pursued by the Nazi conspirators at any given moment.

According to Hitler: “the first task of propaganda is the gaining of people for the future organization.”

The recruiting of people for enlistment in the Party and supervised organizations was the primary objective in the years preceding and immediately following the seizure of power. After the rise to power, this task was broadened to include the enlistment of the people as a whole for the active support of the regime and its policies. As the Reich Propaganda Leader of the Party and Reich Minister for Propaganda, Goebbels stated:

“Propaganda, the strongest weapon in the conquest of the State, remains the strongest weapon in the consolidation and building up of the State.”

The methods which they used to control this strongest weapon in the power of the state are set forth in a chart which I would like to call to the Court’s attention at this time, and would like to introduce in evidence as USA Exhibit Number 21.

As you will note from the chart, there were three separate levels of control within the German Reich. The first level was the Party controls, which are represented on the chart by the top block. And you will see that the Party through its Examining Commission controlled the books .and magazines, and issued books and magazines setting forth the ideology of the Party.

The second block, the Press Leader Division, supervised all publishers, headed Party newspapers and book publishers. The third block, Press Chief,-this office controlled the Press Political Office, the Press Personnel Office, and supervised Party treatment of the press and treatment of Party affairs in the press.

The center block, the Office of Propaganda Leader, had under its control not only the press, but exhibits and fairs, speaker’s bureaus, films, radio, culture, and other means of expression and dissemination of the ideology of the Party and its purposes.

The next block, Ideology, was devoted exclusively to the ideology of the Party headed by, the Defendant Rosenberg. It supplied all the training materials, prepared the curricula for the schools, and the indoctrination of the people into the ideology of the Party. On that same level is Youth Education, presided over by the Defendant Schirach, who had under his control the Hitler Jugend; and then there were the University Students and Teachers Division of the Party controls.

On the next level you have the controls that were exercised by the State, and reading from left to right you have the Propaganda Coordination, Foreign Coordination and Cooperation, the radio, which was under the control of the Defendant Fritzsche, film, literature, the German press, periodicals, theater, arts, other cultural things, and the Ministry for Education.

Then, in the last tier, what is known as the corporate controls.

These were under a semi-official control of both the Party and the State. These are the so-called cultural chambers. Their purpose was to have full control over the personnel engaged in the various arts and cultures, and engaged in the preparation and dissemination of news. First was the press-all reporters and writers belonged to that section. The next section is the arts, music, theater, film, literature, radio,-then going over into the Educational Branch the organization which the University teachers, the students and former corps members of the universities had to belong to.

By means of this vast network of propaganda machinery, the Nazi conspirators had full control over the expression and dissemination of all thought, cultural activities, and dissemination of news within the Reich. Nothing was or could be published in Germany that did not have the approval, express or implied, of the Party and State. The Defendant Schacht in his personal notes explains the effect of the killing of a piece of news in a totalitarian dictatorship. As he states it, it has never become publicly known that there have been thousands of martyrs in the Hitler regime.

They have all disappeared in the cells or graves of the concentration camps, without ever having been heard of again; and he goes on to say, “what is the use of martyrdom in the fight against terror if it has no chance of becoming known and thus serving as an example for others.”


The above transcripts even though being from a historical proceeding are a dated example from the proven past, as have been several other articles, outlines to the distinct path of controlling the population of a nation in the effort to deceive, manipulate and totally control what information you see, hear and are exposed to, so as to maintain absolute control.  

The procedure no matter as to what name you assign the ideology, as the same end goal. Totalitarianism. By means of coercing, dividing and blinding the population and even bulling or threating of physical force.

Media and education play a large role in the propaganda scheme, non-reporting or misinformation of the facts, slanting or ignoring the truth, to favor one political party over another.

Teaching ideology in schools other than the basic skills of a civilized society, this is a form of propaganda. Building an impression in the youth of a nation, will determine how they will perform in that society.

As a Nazi once said ‘tell a big enough lie, often enough, and people will believe it for the truth’, or something close to that.

Thank you for taking the time to read this…..29th day of August in the year 2023

Botox Biden

Ever notice Joe Biden’s face, looks like a plastic sheet stretched over human features? Over use of Botox to take the wrinkled skin look of an aged man away. In the hopes of presenting a more youthful look to of an old tired, wore out man, creating a bazaar, almost alien like appearance. When he smiles, the lips are stretched far to the sides in a Joker (of Batman movies) sneer, flashing weird like teeth you would see in a horror movie of some flesh eating monster. The doctors have over done the medications in attempts to conceal the ravages of age.

Notices how Jill holds his hand when walking, I think it’s (1) in a effort to maintain his balance (2) to feel a heartbeat or if he’s still warm (3) to lead him in the right direction when in motion. No matter the reason, the tell-tele signs are still there of his instability when walking, the stumbling, shuffling gate (of an old doddering man) as he crosses the lawn on the way to MARINE ONE, cannot be covered up.

When in crowds, those long lost stares as if to say ‘where the hell am I’? When making the other world leaders standing around him, look as if they are the grandchildren who have come to visit. When yet his is supposed to present the inspiration of hope and liberty to the free world, embarrassing.

His apparent lack of caring as to what is happening to the country, by his unapproachable question taking, or his whimsical snide remarks and parodies of some events (of lesser importance) in his jumbled up past memories (mostly false or inaccurate). Senility has progressed to point of consuming his agenda of destroying the power grid with delusions of wind or solar power, banning natural gas appliances or limiting your alcohol consumption.

I finish here, you see, you hear, you can judge for your-self the actions of an old man, pass his prime and preforms only as a puppet for the Party, which is its self-doubtful of his value, now

Thank you for taking the time to read this…..28th of august in the year 2023

How important is Education as a tool to imprint Ideology in the minds of children: Nuremberg Trails 1945-46


This volume is published in accordance with the direction of the International Military Tribunal by the Secretariat of the Tribunal, under the jurisdiction of the Allied Authority for Germany.


FOURTH DAY: Friday, 23 November 1945

Conspirators acquired a totalitarian control of education in Germany

MAJOR WALLIS: May it please the Court, when we adjourned yesterday afternoon, I was in the process of developing the various means by which these conspirators acquired a totalitarian control of Germany. I wish to continue on that subject this morning, and I will first discuss the reshaping of education and the training of youth; and in accordance with Your Honors’ suggestion, I offer the document book, United States Exhibit D, and would call to the Court’s attention that this book contains translations of the documents which we rely upon with respect to this portion of the case.

These documents consist of German writings, German speeches of the defendants and other Nazi leaders, and are matters that we suggest are clearly within the purview of judicial notice of the Court. And in the brief which is offered for the assistance of the Court in connection with this subject, the exact portions of the documents which are desired to be brought to the attention of the Tribunal are set forth either by quotation from the documents, or by reference to the specific page number of the documents.

Meanwhile, during this entire pre-war period, the nation was being prepared psychologically for war, and one of the most important steps was the reshaping of the educational system so as to educate the German youth to be amenable to their will. Hitler publicly announced this purpose in November 1933, and I am quoting from Document 2455-PS. He said:

“When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side, and you will not get me on your side’, I calmly say, ‘Your child belongs to me already. A people lives forever. What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camps. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community’.”

He further said in May 1937, and I refer to Document Number 2454-PS:

This new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will it self-take youth and give to youth its education and its own upbringing.”

The first steps taken in making the German schools the tools of the Nazi educational system were two decrees in May 1934, whereby the Reich Ministry of Education was established and the control of education by local authorities was replaced by the absolute authority of the Reich in all educational matters. These decrees are set out in Documents 2078-PS, 2088-PS, 2392-PS. Thereafter, the curricula and organization of the German schools and universities were modified by a series of decrees in order to make these schools effective instruments for the teaching of Nazi doctrines.

The Civil Service Law of 1933, which was presented in evidence yesterday, made it possible for the Nazi conspirators to re-examine thoroughly all German teachers and to remove all “harmful and unworthy elements”, harmful and unworthy in the Nazi opinion.

Many teachers and professors, mostly Jews, were dismissed and were replaced with State-spirited teachers. All teachers were required to belong to the National Socialist Teacher’s League, which organization was charged with the training of all teachers in the theories and doctrines of the NSDAP. This is set forth in Document 2452-PS. The Führerprinzip was introduced into the schools and universities.

In addition, the Nazi conspirators supplemented the school system by training the youth through the Hitler Jugend. The law of the Hitler Jugend, which is set forth in Document 1392-PS, states:

“The German youth, besides being reared within the family and school, shall be educated physically, intellectually, and morally in the spirit of National Socialism to serve the people and community through the Hitler Youth.”

In 1925 the Hitler Youth was officially recognized by the Nazi Party and became a junior branch of the SA. In 1931 the Defendant Schirach was appointed Reich Youth Leader of the NSDAP with the rank of SA GruppenFührer. I refer to Document 1458-PS.

In June 1933 the Defendant Schirach was appointed Youth Leader of the German Reich. I refer to the same document, 1458-PS. In that same month, on orders of the Defendant Schirach, the Nazi conspirators destroyed or took over all other youth organizations. This was accomplished by force in the first instance.

The Defendant Schirach, by decree dated 22 June, 1933-1 refer to Document 2229-PS-dissolved the Reich Committee of the German Youth Associations and took over their property. By similar decrees, all of which are set forth in the document book, all the youth organizations of Germany were destroyed. Then the Nazi conspirators made membership in the Hitler Jugend compulsory. I refer to Document 1392-PS.

The Hitler Jugend from its inception had been a formation of the Nazi Party. By virtue of the 1936 Youth Law, making membership compulsory, it became an agency of the Reich Government while still retaining its position as a formation of the Nazi Party.

This is set forth in Document 1392-PS. By 1940 membership in the Hitler Jugend was over seven million. I refer you to Document 2435-PS. Through the Hitler Jugend the Nazi conspirators imbued the youth with Nazi ideology. The master race doctrine and anti- Semitism, including physical attack on the Jews, were systematically taught in the training program. I refer you to Document 2436-PS.

The Hitler Jugend indoctrinated the youth with the idea that war is a noble activity. I refer to Document 1458-PS. One of the most important functions of the Hitler Jugend was to prepare the youth for membership in the Party and its formations. The Hitler Jugend was the agency used for extensive pre-military and military training of youth. I refer to Document 1850-PS. In addition to general military training, special training was given in special formations.

Thank you for taking the time to read this…….26th day of August in the year 2023

The Emperors New  Closze: Bidens wardrobe

It seems the Biden crime family is being paraded around before the public, in congressional hearings, by whistleblowers (the defenders of freedom, or they use to be if they testified against Donald J Trump), the socialist media (who use to be called ‘the mainstream’) turns a blind eye or in the most perverse way DEFENDS, the actions of the Bidens.

To avoid the crime, to ignore the crime is as criminal as for the people in their blind acceptance of the time. The Democrat Party has (in my opinion) become one of the most vile political forms of ideology in the United States that I have ever witnessed. As a student of history I cannot help but see the parallel occurrences of the early 20th Century, in Russia, Germany and Italy.

Nazis of the German Third Reich was but one form of a fascist ideology, and it was not a “white supremacist” but was based on genetics which included Muslims (as Aryans) into the  Waffen SS ( ). Leninist Communist of Russia were not true Maxist, but used their own prophetic interpretation of what totalitarian submission should be. Benito Mussolini not Adolph Hitler was the mastermind of the fascist ideology in the early 1920’s Italy, which was totally different in it conception from that in Germany. I only point these facts out to make the point; I see the very similarities arising in the Democrat Party. Hopefully I am wrong.

It appears that from the 2016 elections  where Donald J Trump became the President of United States, a hate filled rhetoric has manifested it’s self from the far-left  (socialist) wing of the Democrat Party. The riots of anarchist in the streets of Portland, Seattle and many more cities in the U. S., brings to mind the “Black Shirts” of Italy, the “Brown Shirts’ of Germany, the “Red Army”  of Russia, in their revolution fervor, marching in mobs in the streets of Europe. Destroying property, assaulting, governmental and police buildings; burning, looting and murdering. In attempts to force their ideas upon the populace by force and intimidation. Strangly the riots for the most part ceased when Bidan came to power!

With member of the Congressional body (who were elected to safe guard the laws of the land) condoning and even encouraging greater acts of intimidation, by saying “get in their faces”.  Freedom of speech was almost abolished, censorship was accepted in the media, and the public sat silently by as they did in Europe in the 1920’s. Slowly the values that once made the nation the beaming light of freedom were eroded away. Four years we watch the controlling congress assail the Presidency and the Judicial system ( Supreme Court) with false accusations, fabricated documents, threats and perjury in attempts to oust the elected President and to block honorable men from sitting on the courts.

Now they (Democrats) have a sitting President  who in he’s feebleness has no control over the country, and seems to enjoy the title of, and the prestige of the Presidency more than the workings of being the President.

Documents (Hunters laptop and voice recoding’s) have shown and witnesses (IRS-and foreign) have testified to the fact that criminal acts of monetary profit for favoritism to foreign countries have occurred during the Vice-Presidency and Presidency of Joe Biden concerning the dealings of his son Hunter. Yet the emperor’s media refuses to acknowledge the true scope of these transgressions. If they forced to allow the public a peek at the criminal activities of the Bidens; with Hunters admittance of such crimes, it is glossed over and touted as of no importance.  There is more to this story, if only we are given the chance to review it.

Justice is blind, but under the Socialist Democrats it’s also deaf and dump. You can judge yourself by what little seeps through the cracks of today’s media, hopefully to see that the emperors new closes are not what they seem.

Thank you for taking the time to read this…..July 27 2023

Crimes against Peace: NUREMBERG Trials 1945

If you are ever in doubt about Putins’ war in Ukraine, then ponder this from the pages of history.



14 NOVEMBER 1945 – 1 OCTOBER 1946

TWELFTH DAY Tuesday, 4 December 1945

Count Two of the Indictments: Crime against Peace

SIR HARTLEY SHAWCROSS (Chief Prosecutor for the United Kingdom):

Let this also be said, that the Pact of Paris was not a clumsy instrument likely to become a kind of signpost for the guilty. It did not enable Germany to go to war against Poland and yet rely, as against Great Britain and France, on any immunity from warlike action because of the very provisions of the pact. For the pact laid down expressly in its preamble that no state guilty of a violation of its provisions might invoke its benefits. And when, on the outbreak of the Second World War, Great Britain and France communicated to the League of Nations that a state of war existed between them and Germany as from the 3rd of September 1939, they declared that by committing an act of aggression against Poland, Germany had violated her obligations assumed not only towards Poland but also towards the other signatories of the pact. A violation of the pact in relation to one signatory was an attack upon all the other signatories and they were entitled to treat it as such.

I emphasize that point lest any of these defendants should seize upon the letter of the particulars of Count Two of the Indictment and seek to suggest that it was not Germany who initiated war with the United Kingdom and France on 3 September 1939. The declaration of war came from the United Kingdom and from France; the act of war and its commencement came from Germany in violation of the fundamental enactment to which she was a party.

The General Treaty for the Renunciation of War, this great constitutional instrument of an international society awakened to the deadly dangers of another Armageddon, did not remain an isolated effort soon to be forgotten in the turmoil of recurrent international crises. It became, in conjunction with the Covenant of the League of Nations or independently of it, the starting point for a new orientation of governments in matters of peace, war, and neutrality. It is of importance, I think, to quote just one or two of the statements which were being made by governments at that time in relation to the effect of the pact. In 1929 His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom said, in connection with the question of conferring upon the Permanent Court of International Justice jurisdiction with regard to the exercise of belligerent rights in relation to neutral states-and it illustrates the profound change which was being accepted as having taken place as a result of the Pact of Paris in international law:

“But the whole situation . . . . rests, and international law on the subject has been entirely built up, on the assumption that there is nothing illegitimate in the use of war as an instrument of national policy, and, as a necessary corollary, that the position and rights of neutrals are entirely independent of the circumstances of any war which may be in progress.

Before the acceptance of the Covenant, the basis of the law of neutrality was that the rights and obligations of neutrals were identical as regards both belligerents, and were entirely independent of the rights and wrongs of the dispute which had led to the war, or the respective position of the belligerents at the bar of world opinion.”

Then the Government went on:

“Now it is precisely this assumption which is no longer valid as regards states which are members of the League of Nations and parties to the Peace Pact. The effect of those instruments, taken together, is to deprive nations of the right to employ war as an instrument of national policy, and to forbid the states which have signed them to give aid or comfort to an offender.”

This was being said in 1929, when there was no war upon the horizon.

“As between such states, there has been in consequence a fundamental change in the whole question of belligerent and neutral rights. The whole policy of His Majesty’s present Government (and, it would appear, of any alternative government) is based upon a determination to comply with their obligations under the Covenant of the League and the Peace Pact. This being so, the situation which we have to envisage in the event of a war in which we were engaged is not one in which the rights and duties of belligerents and neutrals will depend upon the old rules of war and neutrality, but one in which the position of the members of the League will be determined by the Covenant and by the Pact.”

The Chief Prosecutor for the United States of America referred in his opening speech before this Tribunal to the weighty pronouncement of Mr. Stimson, the Secretary of War, in which, in 1932, he gave expression to the drastic change brought about in international law by the Pact of Paris, and it is perhaps convenient to quote the relevant passage in full:

“War between nations was renounced by the signatories of the Kellogg-Briand Pact. This means that it has become illegal throughout practically the entire world. It is no longer to be the source and subject of rights. It is no longer to be the principle around which the duties, the conduct, and the rights of nations revolve. It is an illegal thing. Hereafter, when two nations engage in armed conflict; either one or both of them must be wrongdoers-violators of this general treaty law. We no longer draw a circle about them and treat them with the punctilios of the duelist’s code. Instead we denounce them as law-breakers.”

Thank you for taking the time to read this……18 July 2023

Gestapo (FBI) raid a former Presidential residency!

Finally the fascist-socialist governing faction has shown their true hand at political intimidation. For six years the so called Democrat Party has tried to preponderate a Coup D’eta, false information,lies, twice impeachments that failed wit lack of evidence, prosecuting any one associated with the Republican Party, using all the tactics that are echo’s of 1920’s and 30’s of NAZI Germany, 1910’s and 20’s of Soviet Leninist Russia. Who is in control of our nation? it’s not Joe Biden, that fool is too feeble, senile and demented. Whom ever gave this order, and for a action such as this HAD TO BE SANCTIONED BY THE WHITE HOUSE!

Gӧring and Himmler and Beria must be having a great laugh in hell watching this. Clinton’s can destroy 30,000 emails on a nongovernmental server, lie to congress about Benghazi, Biden’s drug deals (I wonder if there is a cartel connection here), selling favors to Russia, China for monetary gain ( selling out U.S.). Members of Congress lying under oath about disinformation in an effort to unseat a elected President of the United States.

The entire governmental systems have devolved into the same government that we have watched  formed in the suppressive socialist countries, the fascist ruling party feels immunized against any condemnation for these acts. The so called news media  are so indoctrinated with the authoritarian ideology as a propaganda platform that I’m sure that they will crow with glee, treating the population as the have always, as totally ignorant.

The only thing the D.O.J. is lacking, are the Black Uniforms with Lighting insignia. The FBI has lost all credibility as a law enforcement agency, but renewed my assumption as being the secret state police.

Democrats are turning this nation into a very bad ‘B’ movie.

Thank you for taking the time to read this…..2022-08-08 The Commentary Gazette

Insurrection: Government calling on populace to riot!

Chuck Schumer; Nancy Pelosi; Maxine Waters; AOC and numerous other Members of the United States Congress, Plus the current ruling Socialist-Fascist White House administration, calling for ignoring the Supreme Court ruling and threatening the Justices of that court with the “Whirl wind“.. “You ain’t seen nothing yet….to hell with the Supreme Court“. The same climate of anarchy prevailed in Russia in 1917 when Lenin promoted revolution, also in the 1920’s and early 1930′ German when Hitler forced the Wiemar government to surrender governmental control to the Nazi’s. No one should be surprised at the reaction or call for an uprising, this climate has been a constant threat to any actions contrary to the DEMOCRATIC agenda. Assaults on government building; attempted “coup” twice in the United States Congress of the former President, using the Department of Justice (FBI) as a secret state police.

Jane Revenge openly calling for a “night of rage” with out a condemnation from any administration agency, is unacceptable. Jane Revenge, Ruth Sent Us, for months have been attacking and destroying Pro-Life sites and Christian churches, again with out any response from the administration? So, domestic terrorism apparently isn’t a major concern as long as it is falls within the realm of government ideology, that seems so authoritarian to me.

For the last six years, I for one, have watched the old Democrat Party sink into what some use to call a third world despotism. Perhaps it had always been on the cuspid of being this, up till 2016 I had been a devoted Democrat voter, no longer can I tolerate their agenda of one party rule. I can not tolerate their lack of interest of protecting the citizens of this country, by protecting anarchist (antifa……BLM..etc.) with defund the police, or releasing criminals with out punishment while ignoring the law, and attempting to disarm the populace. Their stupidity of working economics has destroyed the American commerce, the U.S. dollar, and the spending power of the American worker, with seeming little concern for the results and living in bubble of denial of any responsibility of their actions.

I agree the Republic is under attack and democracy is imperiled, but from the Democratic Party. You decide.

shall have more to say about all of this , LATER>

Thank you for taking the time to read this……..2022-06-25

American Justice under siege by insurrectionist

Anarchist for the last month have besieged certain Justice’s of the U. S. Supreme Court by forming cordons around their homes, in an terrorist attempt to frighten them and their families in a act of intimidation and fear, to enforce the out come of a judicial ruling. Pro-abortionist incited by the fascist congress (Gӧring/Chuck Shumer; Gӧbbles/ Nancy Pelosi) speeches to inflame the crowds for their self gratification. Insurrectionist use assassination (the attempt on Justice Kavaugh) as a tool to force their will, intimidation on large corporations to propagate their narrative of subversion and ideologically supposed norms.

The immigrant’s crossing the southern border are running head long in to the same type of government from which they are trying to escape. So their political freedoms in the U. S. will be a thing of the pass, if the ‘Brown Shirts’ are continued to march in mob violence with the law enforcement being restrained.

Democracy is surely in danger in the United States, but it’s more so from the anarchist within the government (the so called Democratic party).

If abortion is a matter of a “it’s my body, my choice”, then why is suicide is against the law? It’s still a matter of who’s body is it, and as a health matter, murder is still murder no matter how you attempt to redefine it or justify. But I have a sympathetic feeling toward the marchers if their mothers had aborted or fathers committed suicide, they would be free from the pain of a supposed persecution forcing them to march and chant in an attempt to subvert the government which gave them the freedom to be subversive.


Thank you for taking the time to read this……….2022-06-13

The Congressional Show trial of Donald J Trump

After two false impeachments of President Donald John Trump which resulted in no true bills, the fascist-communist ruling party of the United States government, while retaining the ability to continue in their hateful vendetta, with the public being informed about the “Russian Hoax” of Hillary Clinton, have only a so called insurrection of 6 January 2021. One party rule shows the true ambitions of the Democrat party, Dictatorial control. The Roman Emperors ruled for centuries under the illusion of a Senatorial republic.

The 6 January congressional committee has been an open joke since it’s formation, all the partisans (each one supported the Trump impeachments) Adam Schiff who lied about the Russian hoax, claiming empirical prove, which he failed to present. Liz Chenny (looking so haggard as though she had a gun shoved in her back) the turn coat republican for one other reason than Trump telling the truth about her father. The others ‘Trump haters’ for the entire presidential term.

Why? You really have to ask? The current president with a 33% APPROVAL rating. Gas prices doubling every year. Inflation already at 8.6 %, this is if you find any thing on the shelf. People afraid to walk the city streets, afraid enjoy the summer evenings sitting in the yard after the sun goes down. Business losing merchandise to brazen looters in broad day light. People afraid to ride public transit. Offended by the stench of Democratic ruled cities from the homeless encampments and open air drug markets and usages. Pissed about watching anarchist marches in front of the Supreme Court Justices homes, demanding them to bow to the will of the mob, than the law. Immigration, a shambles, drugs and thousands illegals crossing every day, the administration being silent, why, 15,000 (38 miles long caravan) boldly marching with televised coverage, and no response from Washington. There is more but finally the the feeble senile president appearing on national television speaking of a mini-civil war, what the hell is that.

The banner of this site explains it all, Lincoln at times was a very wise man. The founders new that there may come a time where we as a country would arrive at the cross roads we now face, that is why they wrote the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, destroyed those and liberty will follow.

The Democratic party will do anything, lie, fabricate evidence, prosecute anyone and jail them ruin their lives and their family, to remain in power until they achieve the agenda of implementing laws to complete their overthrow.

Putin as some one once said “wakes up as Stalin and goes to bed as Peter the Great”, Biden ‘wakes up as Alfred E. Neuman and goes to bed as the one who flew over the coo-coo nest.

Thank you for taking the time to read this………2022-06-10